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Addicted to podcasts

About two year ago I found myself lying in bed trying to fall asleep but not being able to do so. So I figured I would try finding some podcasts to listen to while drifting off to sleep. First I listened to IGN.com’s “Game scoop” and soon found myself addicted. Then a few weeks later I felt I needed more so I started listening to other gaming podcasts to feed my addiction so 1up.com’s and GameSpot.com’s podcast did just that. I now almost religiously listen to  over five gaming podcasts, and to make it even easier for me to listen in I can use my iPhone that way I don’t even have to download them I can just stream them directly to it making it very easy to be able to keep updated on all the latest podcasts. Now that I have listened to podcasts for over two years I have decided it’s time to make my own gaming podcast, so a group of friends and I are in the early stages of creating a podcast, we are hoping to be able to start recording within a few months. I still have a lot to learn about the art of recording and editing podcasts but my hope is to bring the same amount of entertainment to others through my podcasts as the  gaming podcast I listened to brought to me. To anyone that isn’t currently listening to any podcast I would highly recommend doing so, today a variety of  podcasts are offered and I’m sure that you will be able to find one that would be perfect for you.

Categories: Podcasts
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